Trash Trek – Community Clean Up
Words & Photos by Allison Piercy
3 minutes
One of my favourite things about cycling and hiking is being out in nature. My personal connection to the land I ride and walk on is indescribable. The heat rising off the warm grass creating a fresh clean smell in the air. The trees blowing in the wind as the whip birds call to each other, sends shivers down my spine.
A smile so wide that my face hurts more than my butt does by the end of the day.
I want so deeply to preserve this land, so the generation after me can see the world the way I do, or in even better shape!
Leave No Trace
I leave nothing but tyre tracks on my way out of camp. I collect all my wrappers and food scraps and keep them in a bag until I reach the next town with a rubbish bin. Even leaving fruit peels close to the road attracts animals that wander into oncoming traffic. I’m conscious of providing a pleasant experience not only to humans who roll the trails and roads behind me but the wildlife who inhabit the area too.
It pains me to see energy gel wrappers, soft drink cans, beer & energy drink cans and bottles, dog poo filled bags, cigarette packaging and in these strange times so far from civilization in the wild, a constant reminder of the pandemic is fluttering in the grass. Medical face masks. When all I want is an escape from reality, the media and the world as we know it during Covid times.

Trash Trek
Often I’m carrying my own rubbish, camping gear, large amounts of water and there’s simply not enough space to take on much more. So I have decided I’ll do my part by specifically riding a few days in November to clean up the area. No camping gear taking up space, just a rubbish bag and equipment to safely collect other people’s waste that’s creating a polluted environment and a rather unpleasant viewing experience for myself and fellow adventurers.
If you would like to join me, please choose any day in November to clean up an area near you. Get your kids involved, your parents, your partners and friends. Go for a walk or a ride, embrace nature and help make a cleaner environment to adventure in. If you’re keen to post about your collection you can mention #trashtrek and tag me @allis_on_wonderland so I can share your incredible efforts and hope we can raise awareness and become a more conscious adventure community.