About Desire Lines CC – Australia’s Bikepacking Journal

There’s a concept in landscape architecture called a desire line. It refers to a path worn into the ground by foot traffic, in defiance of the planned curves of sidewalks and roadways.


There’s something infinitely beautiful about desire lines. Unlike Henry Grabar, I don’t see them as an act of defiance; people wilfully ignoring footpaths, roads, and signs.

Rather, I see desire lines as an act of creative expression. A human desire to leave behind manufactured, concrete paths and embrace a moment of nature, even if it’s just for a brief moment.

It’s this desire to leave behind the grey bitumen and asphalt of the cities, and enter into our natural environment, that’s driving increasing numbers of people towards the world of adventure cycling, in all its glorious forms.

At desirelinescc, we embrace and celebrate all forms of adventure cycling and, while we may occasionally use terms like cycle touring, bikepacking and gravel grinding, we don’t really care how you want to define your riding style. As soon as you mount your bicycle and take those first pedal strokes you’re entering our world, our journey to creating and celebrating the endless lines of desire drawn by our bicycles.

Welcome to desirelinescc, Australia’s bikepacking journal, we’re delighted you’re here for the ride.


Mattie Gould

I’m Mattie.

I like riding all types of bikes, on all types of terrain, loaded and unloaded. 

Last year I took my six year old on his first bike camping trip. It was mostly hike-a-bike. I chose an unknown route I hadn’t reccy-ed first. The weather was pretty terrible and we arrived at camp near dark. We ate lukewarm pesto pasta. It was fantastic.

I’m usually a little underprepared, a little hungry and a little uncomfortable. I still haven’t dialled in my sleeping system. I prefer sub-24hr overnight trips. 90% of the time there’s a baby seat attached to my bike.

I like writing and photography, mostly with bikes as the subject. My wife wishes I still wrote poetry. My goal is to get better at shooting b-roll.

I’ve created desirelinescc as a place to find and share bikepacking routes and stories from Australia (and beyond). I’d like it to be a welcoming, inclusive and useful space. 

Burritos are my favourite riding snack.




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